40th Entry RAF Cosford

40th Entry Fulton Block

The Directory [ K ] ....

Contact details: Address, Tel No, E-Mail etc ..
* Added *Amended

Cpl (Frank) Kelly
4 Sqdn D.I.

Cpl Kelly Queanbeyan,
NSW Australia
I went to Cosford on 1 January 1960 as a Cpl DI. I was posted to No. 4 Sqn, B Flt Fg Off Lees (Stretch) Sgt Adams and Cpl Billy Baxter. I was promoted to Sgt 1st March 1963 and went to D Flt 4 Sqn as wet nurse to Plt Off Robinson. I was posted from Cosford on 20 June 1964 to Muharraq.

Bob Killey
1 Sqdn X39th Q1940724
* 31-Aug-16

Now 60 Pagitt Street
Chatham Kent
01795 592610
01634 814 183
07512 315 754
bobkilley@hotmail.com - Work for International Maritime Organization, part of U.N.

Ray Kite
1 Sqdn 1940718
* 27 May 20

Kite 01296 713 810
Ray.kite718@gmail.com - "From Cosford to Northolt, Gan, 50TSU, 6TSU-Singapore, Buchan, Boddington - and out at the very end of '69. Five years as Asst Comms Mgr then joined Cable & Wireless as Customer Support fella (where I bumped in Brian (Barney) Simms. Travelled extensively. Sold messaging systems and products around the world. Sales Director for a while. After 4 years in India settled back in the UK helping my wife to run her recruitment agency. Became semi-retired but, due to a bright idea from my son I am now M.D. of the exclusive GB distributor of a product called Seal-Guard. Messed up my golf and ski schedules something rotten!"


Memorabilia pages - If you have any odds & sods of a similar nature, that will scan, I would be grateful for them to add to the page. Steve

Photographs- If any ex 40th Boy Entrants have any photos that they would like to share with others to revive a few old memories they would be greatly appreciated.